At GULF, our customers’ needs come first. We recognize our role in providing high quality, reliable and affordable products and services to our customers. That’s why we always strive to ensure our planning, construction, operations, maintenance, and after-sales care is undertaken at the highest standards. All of our operating gas-fired power projects in Thailand are ISO 9001 (quality management systems), ISO 14001 (environmental management systems), and ISO 45001 (occupational health and safety management systems) certified, and are fully compliant with the relevant environmental and social laws and regulations as well as requirements detailed in each projects’ Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

Our approach
We work hard to ensure that we are able to provide our customers with the products and services they require. This includes not only the sale of electricity to the government (such as EGAT and EVN) and distributors (such as PJM and Orsted), but also the sale of electricity, steam and chilled water to industrial users (in Thailand).

We conduct an annual customers satisfaction survey for our customers in Thailand, with the aim of achieving at least 90% satisfaction. In 2023, our customer satisfaction score was 94.9%. Regardless, we continue to work to improve our customers’ satisfaction, with scheduled weekly visits to customers as well as regular organized activities such as friendly football matches or informative training seminars for customers to improve communications and strong relations with our customers and ensure we continue to meet their needs.

Our customers can contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have a dedicated team that are always ready to handle any potential issues that may arise, and we maintain a strict operations and maintenance schedule with the aim of maintaining high efficiency and availability for the highest benefit of our customers. Click here to see more details about our plants’ performance.
Privacy, security and safety
For GULF, safety is a top priority. Therefore, as part of our services to customers, we also provide informational training sessions to help our customers understand how to use our products safely and effectively. These sessions include information about how the products and systems work, monitoring and management, as well as emergency response plans.

During the construction and installation process, we provide training to all contractors before starting work, and we hold a daily safety briefing for all employees and contractors each morning to ensure that everyone understands the requirements and expectations. Our occupational health and safety management system is certified to ISO 45001 standards. Throughout the construction and installation process, we also have qualified engineers checking the work to ensure it meets all safety and operating standards, including those specified in the ISO 9001 and IEEE standards.

We also have a strong system for managing customer data to ensure privacy protection in line with the Thailand Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562. Details of the company’s commitment to protecting personal data, as well as channels for contacting or submitting complaints / requests related to personal data, can be found in the company’s Privacy Notice. In addition, our ERP systems are certified to ISO 27001 standards to ensure appropriate information security management and prevent data leaks or losses that may cause damage to the company or to our customers.